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rules & reminders

  • All correspondence will be sent via email. This includes booth assignments.

  • Booth spaces are not guaranteed to anyone.

  • A limited number of volunteers will be available before and after the show to help those needing assistance with loading and unloading. We do our best to offer assistance but it is not guaranteed. Please speak to a volunteer near the main entrance should you need assistance.  Each crafter is allowed two people to work their booth.  Additional helpers will be charged our regular admission fee. 

  • Coffee and baked goods will be available to you for purchase this year during set up hours (7am-10am) thanks to Fenton’s Project Graduation.  Food Vendors will also be on site for lunch.

  • We do not provide tables, chairs, additional power cords, etc.  

  • You must bring enough cash to make your own change.  The high school is equipped with WiFi but we recommend that you bring a back-up WiFi device as there will be a number of vendors on the network.  We strongly encourage you to be prepared to accept a form of payment other than credit card.

  • ALL VENDOR VEHICLES MUST BE MOVED to the north parking area by 9am to allow parking for your customers. (North parking lot will be marked and is located directly across from the football field.)  Please do not drive or park on sidewalks or grass.  Please keep all sidewalks and entrances clear while loading and unloading and be respectful of our volunteers and other crafters. 

  • The show opens to the public at 10am and closes at 4pm. You must stay for the entire show! DO NOT begin to tear down early.

  • You are responsible for cleaning up all trash from your booth space.  Please remove the tape on the floor marking your space at the end of the show. Your booth should be cleaned up by 5pm.

  • This is a juried show. Therefore, your space is non-transferable. We have a strict no buy/sell policy. Your items must be hand crafted by you. If we find that what you are selling does not comply with this policy, you will be asked to leave. Any fees will be forfeited. 

  • Applications for 2025 will be available at check-in and throughout the show at the volunteer table near the entrance.  Completed applications can be turned in with your payment on the day of the show at the volunteer table near the front entrance OR e-mailed to OR mailed to P.O. Box 265, Fenton, MI 48430. You must have photos printed with your application or sent to our email for next years jury. 

  • Visit our website at to pay via PayPal or send PayPal payment to or Venmo to @SRE-Craftshow. Please include your first/last name and use the same email that you used to submit your application. Checks will not be cashed until we Jury the following year in June and August.     

  • This show sells out early every year, so you are encouraged to complete your 2025 application ASAP!! 
    We do not promise or guarantee booth spaces or locations to anyone. Be sure to “like” State Road Craft Show on Facebook and Instagram, and “share” our event!

© 2023

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